Creative Frontend Developer

Justin Lung

Building magical and accessible web experiences is my passion.




During my frontend development career, I've always despised React/Next because of the syntax. But after my internship at Dept Agency, I saw that React was a powerful framework to use. So I tried this out by making a Pokedex where you can search Pokemon by it's name or by it's national number.

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Icy Penguins

Icy Penguins

During the time of my studies at FDND, me and a friend of mine found out about nft’s. We were inspired by various projects throughout the blockchain and created our own nft-set. This nft-set was very unique and is handdrawn by us. We could’nt wait any longer after the design and made a static website for this nft.

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At FDND, we needed to build a project for Scrollbook. Scrollbook is a concept developed to enthuse young people to read for relaxation and promote deep reading. Animation on scroll was very important in this project.

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