ANWB Roadtrip

ANWB Roadtrip

During my time at FDND, I went to DEPT Agency in Amsterdam to have a short internship of 3 weeks. In these 3 weeks, I made a project for ANWB (which was a proof of concept) with Sveltekit. During this time I learned a lot about frameworks and passing data with an API.

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At FDND, we needed to build a project for Scrollbook. Scrollbook is a concept developed to enthuse young people to read for relaxation and promote deep reading. Animation on scroll was very important in this project.

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66 BBQ & Hotpot Bar

66 BBQ & Hotpot Bar

This site is made for a restaurant named 66 BBQ & Hot Pot Bar. With this site you can book a table and come through the most delicious Asian BBQ & Hotpot restaurant in Amsterdam!

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Icy Penguins

Icy Penguins

During the time of my studies at FDND, me and a friend of mine found out about nft’s. We were inspired by various projects throughout the blockchain and created our own nft-set. This nft-set was very unique and is handdrawn by us. We could’nt wait any longer after the design and made a static website for this nft.

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Advice Generator

Once there was a day where the storm was hitting hard in The Netherlands. I had nothing to do and wanted to start programming in JavaScript. I wanted to improve my vanilla JS skills by using asynchronous functions and using an API. This project will generate random advices for you.

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During my frontend development career, I've always despised React/Next because of the syntax. But after my internship at Dept Agency, I saw that React was a powerful framework to use. So I tried this out by making a Pokedex where you can search Pokemon by it's name or by it's national number.

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CMD Midterm

CMD Midterm

During my summer vacation, I've got a message from my teacher to do a little project with him. This project was for the Communication Multimedia Design Midterm accreditation website, where people need to read everything about the Midterm at CMD. This project was one of my first freelance projects I've ever made and I'm very proud of it.

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